The Ice Cream Truck is a limited legendary two-seater vehicle in Adopt Me! that was released on January 11, 2020.
It could have been obtained by purchasing its Gamepass on the Shop GUI for 350. The Ice Cream Truck left the game on January 6, 2022, and is now only obtainable through trading.
The Ice Cream Truck allows players to sell Ice Cream to other players for a price between 0 and 20.
The Ice Cream Truck features a large step van with a pink and light-blue color palette, with the front featuring a short orange bumper, two circular headlights and a light-gray grille in between the headlights. The interior features one front seat, and a seat at the back between two freezers. There is also a window on each side of the truck. The roof of the Ice Cream Truck features a giant Ice Cream cone with a vanilla scoop, four red horns, and a sign at the front that says "Ice Cream - [price]". The back features four taillights, with a smaller yellow one above a larger red one, and a sign that features the driver's username.
When music is playing, the scoop on the giant ice cream glows and cycles through the colors of the rainbow and the horns move back and forth, producing a musical note effect. The horn has a cooldown of 60 seconds and will prompt the player with "Horn will be recharged in [_] seconds." while trying to use it during its cooldown.
- The Ice Cream Truck used to have only one seat for the driver, however, another one was added in March 2020 with the addition of the Choo Choo Train.
- The Ice Cream Truck, the Yellow Taxi Cab and the Black Cab are the only vehicles that players are able to earn Bucks with.
- The Ice Cream Truck is one of the only vehicles that won't change size if the player is a baby, along with the Traveling House, the Choo Choo Train, the Dragon Train, the Husky Sled, and the Paint Roller Truck.
- This vehicle was the second Gamepass vehicle to be sold standalone, after the Heart Hoverboard.
- Players can also purchase Ice Cream for 1 at the Ice Cream Shop near the Neighborhood tunnel.
- Here, up to three scoops of any available kind of Ice Cream can be placed on a player's cone, whereas the Ice Cream Truck only gives players one vanilla scoop.
- During the Staycation Summer Sale, which began on August 21, 2020, the Ice Cream Truck was on sale and cost 175.