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Adopt Me! Wiki

The Healing Apple is a common food item in Adopt Me!.

It is obtainable for free from a room in the Hospital, found in the right-wing. Before the Hospital's revamp, the Healing Apple was located in the left-wing. It is also obtainable through trading.

The Healing Apple can be used to fulfill the 'Sick' ailment for babies and pets, taking one use to fully consume. It disappears from the player's inventory when they leave the game.


The Healing Apple has a similar appearance to the Apple, except that it is golden and it emits a shining effect.


  • Although it is listed as a food item, the Healing Apple does not cure the 'Hungry' ailment.
  • Players can obtain up to thirty Healing Apples in one server; if a player attempts to obtain any more, even when they used some, a pop-up will appear saying "You can't get any more of these!".

