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The Cat is one of the two starter pets, with the other being the Dog, that players can obtain from the Starter Egg for free. It is classified as a common pet. If players want to obtain it again, they must either trade for it, purchase a Cracked Egg (Bucks 350) or a Pet Egg (Bucks 600).


The Cat has a grey body, with black eyes, slightly mauve/pink ears, and a similarly colored nose. It also has stubby whiskers.

Neon Appearance

The Neon Cat glows hot pink/magenta on its ears, paws, whiskers, and nose.

Neon Cat

A Neon Cat

File:Mega neon cat.gif

A Mega Neon Cat

Mega Neon Appearance

A Mega Neon Cat glows in the same areas as a Neon Cat, except those areas glow through the colors of the rainbow.


Here are the tricks a Cat learns in order:

  • Sit - Newborn
  • Lay Down - Junior
  • Bounce - Pre-Teen
  • Roll Over - Teen
  • Backflip - Post-Teen
  • Dance - Full Grown