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Adopt Me! Wiki

The Blue Dog is a pet in Adopt Me! It is one of the first pets to be added into the game along with the Pink Cat. It is an uncommon pet and can be hatched out of the Blue Egg. It is no longer available by buying, only by trading.


The Blue dog is Blue in color and has beady, black eyes. The Blue dog, like the regular dog, has a black nose which stands out among its blue colour, and its tongue, which is pink is always hanging out of its mouth.


The tricks go in order from first to last.

  1. Sit - Newborn
  2. Lay Down - Junior
  3. Bounce - Pre-Teen
  4. Roll Over - Teen
  5. Back Flip - Post-teen
  6. Dance - Full-grown

Neon Appearance

The Neon Appearance of the Blue Dog is shown below. It has Bright Blue Glowing Ears, A Blue Nose, Blue Paws and a Blue Tail.

Neon blue dog

Neon version of the blue dog.

Mega Neon Appearance

same glowing spots except white and blue.
