Rocket Sled
Ghost Car
Which strollers
Me has farm egg
NFR Bat for?
It is so funny how people literally when they just see a fair offer they do not want it, but they see an over pay and there attention directly get attracted
If i am over will you add?
Check my other post i will @ you
I know its a scam, literally people would be like scam and he would only copy and paste the same thing on both accounts
I literally was going to post on here and say who ever has neon pink scooter join me and trade this guy to make him leave
Not even close
10 seconds later Trading Neon Pink Scooter for NFR Legendaries
The funny part they were right in front of each other
NFR Frost R Giraffe and FR Giraffe
Literally i am over people trade shadow and adds for cc and nfr frost goes for shadow and adds
If you want i can add as well